Caregiver Sanctuary! It’s here

Creating Community & Safe Spaces

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
—Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Our Mission is to encourage and equip Caregivers through faith & community, rekindle human value, and ignite HOPE

Your Sanctuary Awaits

She walked into the room and started crying, “This is exactly what I need. I’ve tried sitting in my car and checking into hotels.” Her voice trailed off as we stood on the threshold of our brand new Sanctuary Room for Caregivers. We created this cozy space for YOU to rest & refresh.

Too many Caregivers are sitting in their cars or trying to refuel in busy (and often loud) coffee shops. Imagine coming into a private room, reserved and prepared just for you. Sink into the buttery sofa with soft ocean sounds playing on the sound machine to close your eyes, breathe and simply be. You can leave the relentless responsibilities of Caregiving at the door and truly rest in a space where we get you and all you are going through.

Makers of Care offers a safe place for Caregivers to recharge: nap, read, grieve, watch a movie or journal. Spiritual and prayer support are also available in this quiet and cozy place.

You can sign up for up to 2 hours at a time. If you are an active Caregiver—to receive more information and begin the process of reserving the Sanctuary Room, fill out this short form:

🎉Big God Big Dreams

It started as a small piece of paper with this heading, Big God Big Dreams. I almost didn’t bring it because the dream of an office space and respite space for Caregivers felt out of reach. Thankfully I listened to God’s nudge and a woman who attended our Friendsraiser in February heard my presentation and saw the piece of paper. She contacted me a few days later,

“I’ve been thinking about your dream to have an office space and respite room for caregivers. I’ve been offered this suite in the same building as my other offices. I don’t need it, but I’m wondering if it would work for what you need. Want to go look at it?”

The space was perfect and her generosity blew me away! We’re excited to announce that Makers of Care has a new home and office space in Chandler, AZ. Our location is accessible and a perfect place to bring our vision to reality: creating Caregiver Sanctuaries all over the country!

I never envisioned our office being in a luxury office building, but it’s perfect for what we need:

  • Private office
  • Private Sanctuary Room
  • Open space and a large thirteen-foot table for collaboration meetings, support groups and workshops
  • A small kitchen for snacks and coffee
  • Access to a larger conference room we can reserve as needed

Many of you came to our open house last week and it was an amazing time of celebrating and praising God for all He is doing through our ministry. If you were unable to attend our open house, reply to this email and I’d be happy to give you a private tour.

Ready, Set, Serve!

With the new space and Sanctuary Room, we need volunteers for our REST & RECOVERY TEAM. It’s a commitment of 3 to 4 hours a month and you can change the life of a Caregiver! Fill out this quick form for more information and we will be in touch with details:

My eyes are filled with grateful tears as I type this. Makers of Care is meeting needs throughout our communities and we could not do this work without the generous and sacrificial support of our donors. The impact of your prayers and donations echo into eternity. Thank you!

Get involved and make a difference today!


Your gifts help us crush fear for Caregivers


Connect with us and join our team of volunteers

We see you, we hear you, we care.

PS We’ve made exciting changes to how we connect to Caregivers in crisis (it’s easier now!). You can share this link with Caregivers so they can schedule a time with me that’s convenient for them:

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Makers of Care

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The makers of care logo

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