Facing an impossible challenge? Read this.


What would you do today, right now, if you were absolutely certain God was with you and for you?

Shirley's Story

Shirley resisted attending a support group but is now a regular member and has gained so much encouragement from our meetings.

She cares for her more than fifty-year-old spouse, who now has Alzheimer’s. As she fearfully....but yet bravely.... begins looking for care home options for him, she reflected on God's faithfulness by sharing a story with us that is too unbelievable to deny!

Shortly after her husband was diagnosed, Shirley stood in her front yard, crying and distraught, "God! If you are there, I don't know what to do. Help me!" She felt all alone and confused.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she buried her face in her hands. Just then a Buick randomly stopped in front of her house and a man who looked over eighty emerged and walked to her.

"Can I paint your house?"

Surely he didn't have the stamina to complete the job, "No, we're

"Do you know Jesus?"


"Do you want to?"


He prayed with her. That was the day she gave her life to Christ and she knew God was real and with her!

As they continued talking, a woman stepped out of the car and the older gentleman rushed to her side and quickly ushered her back into the passenger seat. Shirley noticed his concern and compassion for her. Turning, he said, "That is my wife. She has dementia." They said goodbye and drove off. Shirley never saw them again. Surely he was an angel from God to say I hear you, I see, and I care.

She smiled through tears, telling me the story, "that’s why I know God will be with me and my husband as I place him in a care home.” He will give me the courage to do this because I’m not doing it alone. He is with me.

Our courage is rooted in the truth that God is with us.
With Him, we can be courageous. He hears our prayers and sends help when we need it, mostly through other people, even 80 year old angels who drive Buicks.

Praise * Praise * Praise

  • Hip hip hooray! Our support groups are officially 2 years old, and my, how we've bloomed, from 2 to 25 Caregivers who are members! The discussions are centered on HOPE and we focus on emotional and spiritual enrichment. One Caregiver on her first visit said, “I didn’t know what I was looking for, but I think I finally found it!”
  • Most Caregivers feel caught in a whirlwind of chaos? We're taking our super-powered coaching skills and creating interactive workshops for overwhelmed, family caregivers with no idea of what to do or where to start! The workshops help caregivers avoid costly pitfalls (emotionally & financially) and teach them real strategies for empowered advocacy and caregiving.
  • Caregiving can be isolating. We are trying to put the kibosh on that! Our first social connection luncheon was a hit with 12 caregivers mingling over delicious food, a much needed break, and inspiring conversations. We're already brewing up the next one (Tea Tasting) to be held in December.

Pray with Us

  • Consider joining our nationwide prayer ministry dedicated to caregivers. Our goal is to have every family in our care community wrapped in prayer. Connect with us and be matched up with a family.
  • Pray for People! We're on the hunt for top-notch board members that know the ropes of administration and finance. It's a small commitment (2 hours) each month that could make a huge difference.
  • We've got a variety of volunteer spots open, including Support Group Leaders, Admin, Donor Relations, Social Media Superstars, and even Non-medical Respite Providers to give families a break.
  • Pray for Places! As we spread our wings, we're scouting out office spaces and meeting spots for our support groups and events. Do you know of a space? Shoot us an email: susan@makersofcare.com
  • Pray for Partnership! If you're looking to spread some love, we're in need of monthly donors and year-end gifts to help us keep soaring and expanding our ministry into 2024.

We see you, we hear you, we care.

Makers of Care

P.S. We love hearing from you. Hit reply and let us know if there is a specific workshop topic you would like us to develop.

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